Provedbom više cjelogodišnjih maketarskih radionica na temu SIG „From Middle east to Afghanistan“
u kojima su članovi novoosnovane sekcije kluba „SIG MEA“ uspješno napravili više desetaka radova na zadanu temu, ovoga vikenda okupljeni članovi iskoristili su vrijeme za pregled dosadašnjih radova, te definiranje budućeg izložbenog sadržaja.
Nakon pripreme prostora i radnih jedinica,
započeli smo radom i to na izradi podloga za novoizrađene radove s kojima planiramo dopuniti dosadašnji maketarski izložbeni postav koji broji više od 30 vrlo interesantnih radova.
By conducting several year-long modeling workshops on the topic of SIG “From Middle East to Afghanistan”, in which the members of the newly founded section of the club “SIG MEA” successfully created dozens of works on the given theme, this weekend the gathered members used the time to review the work done so far, and to define the future exhibition content.
After preparing the space and working units, we started working on the creation of the bases for the newly created works, with which we plan to complement the existing model exhibition display, which includes more than 30 very interesting works.