Dolaskom 15 dućana i 9 klubova izlagača, izvedbom 4 maketarske radionice, postavom nove maketarske izložbe SIG „From Middle East to Afghanistan“ sa temom „The Lebanese civil war“, te sudjelovanjem 484 natjecateljska rada i 356 izložbenih radova, možemo reći da je Zagrebački maketarski kup CRNA KRALJICA opravdao status najvećeg organiziranog jednodnevnog međunarodnog maketarskog kupa u Republici Hrvatskoj, na čemu još jednom i ovim putem zahvaljujemo svim sudionicima i natjecateljima ovoga događanja.

Cjelokupno događanja održano je u sklopu OŠ Kajzerica koja sada već tradicionalno otvara vrata svoje dvorane te pomaže u provedbi i suorganizaciji ovoga događanja, na čemu im se najljubaznije zahvaljujemo.

Ovogodišnja CRNA KRALJICA odrađena je u suradnji sa AK Interactive, Carta Magica d.o.o., te Samer Kassis Archive, koji su osigurali bogati nagradni fond, te omogućili provedbu nekih od navedenih aktivnosti kojima smo dodatno popunili ovo događanje.

Pripreme za provedbu ovogodišnjeg Zagrebačkog maketarskog kupa CRNA KRALJICA 2023., krenule su početkom lipnja, no finale istih odrađeno je par dana prije samog otvorenja kupa i to dolaskom našeg uvaženog gosta i prijatelja g. Samera Kassisa iz Libanona, kojemu smo posvetili prva dana boravka u Zagrebu

i Republici Hrvatskoj upoznavši ga sa brojnim znamenitostima našega grada ali i posjetom obližnjem muzeju Domovinskog rata u Turnju koji ga je u cijelosti oduševio.

No, dok su neki hodali i prezentirali ljepotu Lijepe Naše, dio ekipe vrijedno je radio na pripremanju natjecateljske infrastrukture, nagradnog fonda i naravno nezaobilaznih klupa i pratećih nogara.

Dovozom opreme do mjesta događanja, vrijedne ruke članova HUVM & IPMS Croatia uspješno su posložili dvoranu,

koja je nakon završne kontrole bila spremna za prijem sudionika i natjecatelja sada već punoljetnog Zagrebačkog maketarskog kupa CRNA KRALJICA.

Otvaranjem vrata dvorane, te dolaskom prvih izlagača

i dijela trgovaca

započelo je standardno vrijeme okupljanja te prijave radova koji su do vremena otvaranja kupa vrlo ugodno popunili sve stolove na radost organizatora kojima je to jedina plaća i nagrada za uloženi trud u organizaciji ovakvog događanja.

Okupljanjem uzvanika, te toniranjem Hrvatske i Europske himne uz vodstvo g. Kristiana Matasa, predsjednika HUVM,

započela je ceremonija svečanog otvorenja kupa u sklopu koje su nam se obratili prigodnim riječima g. Samer Kassis iz Samer Kassis Archive

i gđa. Zdenka Terek ispred Hrvatske zajednice tehničke kulture, kojoj se posebno zahvaljujemo za podršku u provedbi ovoga događanja te podizanja vrijednosti Zagrebačkog maketarskog kupa na nacionalnu razinu što nam je iznimno drago.

U sklopu ceremonije dio vremena prije svečanog otvorenja, posvetili smo uručivanju posebnog priznanja g. András Egresi, direktoru Mosonshow, jednog od najvećih maketarskih događanja u ovome dijelu Europe koji je upravo ove godine u mjesecu travnju proslavo svoj srebrni jubile odnosno 25. godina postojanja. Svečanu plaketu g. Egresiu uručio je predsjednik HZTK g. Damir Tomić, koji je nakon zahvale g. Egresia otvorio ovogodišnji kup.

Tradicionalnim okupljanjem sudaca među kojima je uz brojne renomirane maketare iz Republike Hrvatske sudjelovalo desetak sudaca iz Mađarske, Slovenije, Srbije, Italije i Slovačke započeo je najzahtjevniji dio kupa koji je uvijek ispod nekoliko povećala. No izlaskom spomenutih sudačkih ekipa na teren, te nadasve sigurnim i profesionalnim pristupom odabiranja i suđenja radova, od strane organizatora mogli smo potvrditi jedan neopisivi mir među natjecateljima koji su vrijeme suđenja proveli u kupovini maketa, razgledavanju radova te razgovoru sa prijateljima u obližnjim kafićima.

Suđenje radova prijavljenih u IPMS SIG & MASTER kategorije odradio je g. Samer Kassis koji je vidno uživao u prikazanim radovima.

Osim razgledavanja radova te obveznoj kupovini dodatnih maketarskih zaliha, posjetitelji ovogodišnjeg kupa mogli su uživati i u četiri ponuđene maketarske radionice i to; MiG Ammo – Rail Center by Nikola Kolarek; PSMK – Terrains by Borbas Sandor, te Back to Basic – Bf109 by Bine Logar and friends, s kojom je naš klub potpisao i svečanu povelju o suradnji na koju smo iznimno ponosni.

Isto tako AK Interactive u suradnji sa AK-ademy by HUVM, IPMS Croatia & HZTK pripremila je posebnu radionicu na temu „Toyota Weathering“ kao nastavak uspješno provedenog višemjesečnog projekta „AK / MENG Toyota challenge“ by Filip Kovačec, Siniša Martić i Tomislav Stipanović.

Završetkom suđenja te donošenja odluka o najboljim radovima u pojedinačnim kategorijama, TBOS Junior. TBOS Senior, te Master of IPMS Croatia, u 16.30 sati započela je ceremonija svečanih dodjela medalja, priznanja i posebnih nagrada koje smo prema želji sudionika ali i praćenju trendova na brojnim maketarskim natjecanjima u Europi, osigurali veći broj za svaku pojedinačnu kategoriju čime je nagrađen veći broj kvalitetnih radova.

Dodjelom nagrade The best of show CRNA KRALJICA 2023. g. Vedranu Justiću za rad „Lancia Delta Integrale HF 16V“ koji je uistinu ostavio bez daha, završili smo sa ovogodišnjim osamnaestim izdanjem CRNE KRALJICE uz poziv na novo druženje do godine.

Raspremanjem dvorane i pripremom opreme za odvoz

ušli smo u završni dio dana kojega smo proveli u druženju sa dragim prijateljima i kolegama maketarima u prekrasnom restoranu „Stari Puntijar“ čiji nam je boravak dodatno obogatio njegov vlasnik g. Zlatko Puntijar pripremom i provedbom izvrsnih delicija ali popratnim događanjima za pamćenje.

Dan poslije, nakon raspremanja opreme, zajedničko vrijeme proveli smo u „domaćem“ okruženju u pripremi tradicionalnog roštilja te naravno pričanju nezaobilaznih „lovačkih priča“,

s kojima smo nastavili i u sklopu obilaska klupskih prostorija gdje nam je drag gost g. Samer Kassis potpisa plakat i nekoliko vrlo atraktivnih knjiga koje ćemo sigurno koristiti kao vrijedan izvor u daljnjem stvaranju izložbene kolekcije.



With the arrival of 15 shops and 9 exhibitor clubs, the performance of 4 modeling workshops, the setting of the new modeling exhibition SIG “From Middle East to Afghanistan” with the theme “The Lebanese civil war”, and the participation of 484 competition works and 356 exhibition works, we can say that the Zagreb scale model cup BLACK QUEEN justified the status of the largest organized one-day international model cup in the Republic of Croatia, for which we once again thank all the participants and competitors of this event.

The entire event was held as part of Kajzerica Elementary School, which now traditionally opens the doors of its hall and helps in the implementation and co-organization of this event, for which we thank them most kindly.

This year’s BLACK QUEEN was organized in cooperation with AK Interactive, Carta Magica d.o.o., and Samer Kassis Archive, who provided a rich prize pool and enabled the implementation of some of the mentioned activities with which we additionally filled this event.

Preparations for the execution of this year’s Zagreb Modeling Cup BLACK QUEEN 2023 started at the beginning of June, but the finals were done a few days before the actual opening of the cup, with the arrival of our distinguished guest and friend Mr. Samer Kassis from Lebanon, to whom we dedicated the first days of our stay in Zagreb and the Republic of Croatia

, introducing him to the many sights of our city, but also visiting the nearby Museum of the Homeland War in Turanj, which completely delighted him.

However, while some walked and presented the beauty of Lijepa Naša, part of the team worked hard on preparing the competition infrastructure, the prize fund and, of course, the unavoidable benches and supporting legs.

By bringing the equipment to the venue, the hard-working hands of the members of HUVM & IPMS Croatia successfully arranged the hall,

which after the final inspection was ready to receive the participants and competitors of the now adult Zagreb scale model cup BLACK QUEEN.

With the opening of the doors of the hall, and the arrival of the first exhibitors

and part of the traders,

the standard time of gathering and registration of works began, which by the time of the opening of the cup very pleasantly filled all the tables to the joy of the organizers, for whom this is the only salary and reward for the effort invested in organizing such an event.

With the gathering of the guests and the singing of the Croatian and European anthems under the leadership of Mr. Kristian Matas, President of HUVM,

the ceremonial opening of the cup began, during which we were addressed by Mr. Samer Kassis from the Samer Kassis Archive

and Mrs. Zdenka Terek on behalf of the Croatian Technical Culture Association, to whom we would like to express our special thanks for the support in implementing this event and raising the value of the Zagreb Modeling Cup to the national level, which we are extremely pleased about.

As part of the ceremony, part of the time before the grand opening was dedicated to presenting a special award to Mr. András Egresi, director of Mosonshow, one of the largest model-making events in this part of Europe, which celebrated its silver jubilee, i.e., its 25th anniversary, in April this year. The ceremonial plaque was presented to Mr. Egresi by the president of HZTK, Mr. Damir Tomić, who also opened this year’s cup.

The most demanding part of the cup, which is always under several magnifying glasses, began with the traditional gathering of judges, among whom, in addition to numerous renowned modelers from the Republic of Croatia, ten judges from Hungary, Slovenia, Serbia, Italy and Slovakia participated. But with the above-mentioned judging teams going out on the field, and above all with a safe and professional approach to selecting and judging the works, the organizers were able to confirm an indescribable peace among the competitors who spent the judging time buying models, looking at the works and talking with friends in nearby cafes.

The judging of works registered in the IPMS SIG & MASTER categories was done by Mr. Samer Kassis, who clearly enjoyed the presented works.

In addition to viewing the works and the obligatory purchase of additional model-making supplies, visitors to this year’s cup could also enjoy the four offered model-making workshops, namely; MiG Ammo – Rail Center by Nikola Kolarek; PSMK – Terrains by Borbas Sandor, and Back to Basic – Bf109 by Bine Logar and friends, with which our club signed a solemn cooperation charter, which we are extremely proud of.

Likewise, AK Interactive in cooperation with AK-ademy by HUVM, IPMS Croatia & HZTK prepared a special workshop on “Toyota Weathering” as a continuation of the successfully implemented multi-month project “AK / MENG Toyota challenge” by Filip Kovačec, Siniša Martić and Tomislav Stipanović.

At the end of judging and making decisions about the best works in individual categories, TBOS Junior, TBOS Senior, and Master of IPMS Croatia, at 4:30 p.m., the ceremonial awarding of medals, recognitions and special awards began, which, according to the wishes of the participants but also following the trends at numerous model-making competitions in Europe, we ensured a larger number for each individual category, which rewarded the most number of quality works.

By awarding the best of show BLACK QUEEN 2023 award to Mr. Vedran Justić for the work “Lancia Delta Integrale HF 16V”, which truly took your breath away, we ended this year’s eighteenth edition of BLACK QUEEN with an invitation to a new get-together until the end of the year.

After unpacking the hall and preparing the equipment for removal,

we entered the final part of the day, which we spent in the company of dear friends and fellow model makers in the beautiful restaurant “Stari Puntijar”, whose owner, Mr. Zlatko Puntijar, enriched our stay with the preparation and serving of excellent delicacies but accompanying memorable events.

The day after, after unpacking the equipment, we spent our time together in a “home” environment preparing a traditional barbecue and, of course, telling the inevitable “hunting stories”,

which we continued as part of a tour of the club premises, where our dear guest, Mr. Samer Kassis, signed a poster and several very attractive books that we will surely use as a valuable source in the further creation of the exhibition collection.