U sklopu novog ciklusa SIG MEA radionica, posvetili smo se doradi i dopuni dijela izložbenog postava „Hrvatska vojska i policija – od Domovinskog rata do danas“ u koji se uključio i dio članova HUVM, inače autora ovog izložbenog projekta. Uz nova vozila i oklopnjake, naglasak ove dopune biti će na zrakoplovima i helikopterima Hrvatske vojske i policije koji su nam manjkali u prvotnom izložbenom postavu.



As part of the new cycle of SIG MEA workshops, we devoted ourselves to finishing and supplementing part of the exhibition “Croatian Army and Police – from the Homeland War to the present day”, in which part of the HUVM members, the authors of this exhibition project, also participated. In addition to new vehicles and armored vehicles, the emphasis of this supplement will be on aircraft and helicopters of the Croatian Army and Police, which were missing from the original exhibition.